APRIL 11, 2023
The Mayor Rob Lessen called the Special Meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was stated by all present. Roll call was taken and all members except Howard Camp who joined the meeting at 6:20 p.m. The purpose of the Special Meeting is for City Council to discuss the Library Boards application for a CDBG Grant.
The meeting with Taylor Hogue with SEK RPC as a zoom due to family issues on her part. The application shows 10,000.00 of in-kind contributions and the city matching 68,190.00 to the grant. Gary Pommier stated that he had spoken to Tommy Scotten about the 3 buildings that are directly east of the library which need to be removed due to liability issues. Gary Pommier made the motion to send the application and include that the city will cover 36% with cash matching and remove all in-kind contributions. This will make the City's match $78,190.00. Howard Camp seconds the motion. The motion was approved by the Council.
Gary Pommier made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Carma Burns seconds the motion. The motion was approved.
Bette Lessen, City Clerk